L&D Pathway: Accessibility

The Accessibility pathway is designed to address the crucial aspect of inclusivity in digital products and services. Accessibility ensures that technology is usable and accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. In this pathway, we explore the fundamental principles of inclusive design and the implementation of accessibility standards across various platforms and applications. From web accessibility guidelines to mobile app accessibility best practices, the pathway covers a comprehensive range of topics. By promoting awareness and understanding of accessibility, we aim to empower developers, designers, and stakeholders to create more inclusive and user-friendly digital experiences. Additionally, this pathway offers elective resources that allow learners to delve deeper into specific accessibility topics, further enhancing their expertise and contributing to a more inclusive digital landscape.


Learning Resource Type Provider Duration Cost
Visual Focus Digital Training Scott Logic ⏱️ Free
Visual Focus Digital Training California State University, Northridge (csun.edu) ⏱️ Free
Image Alternatives Digital Training BBC ⏱️ Free
Colour Contrast Digital Training w3schools ⏱️ Free
Animation & Motion Digital Training CSS Tricks ⏱️ Free


Learning Resource Type Provider Duration Cost
Tab Order Digital Training California State University, Northridge (csun.edu) ⏱️ Free
Skip to Main Digital Training CSS-Tricks ⏱️ Free
ARIA Digital Training HubSpot Blog ⏱️ Free
Dropdowns Digital Training NNGroup ⏱️ Free
Single Page Applications Digital Training TPGi ⏱️ Free
Links vs Buttons Digital Training a11y-101 ⏱️ Free
Dialogs Digital Training Carnegie Museums ⏱️ Free
Non-modal vs modal Digital Training NNGroup ⏱️ Free
Unobtrusive notifcations Digital Training Home Office ⏱️ Free
Pop-ups Digital Training The Admin Bar ⏱️ Free


Learning Resource Type Provider Duration Cost
User Journey Digital Training LinkedIn ⏱️ Free
Understandable Language Digital Training NHS ⏱️ Free
Required Fields Digital Training Microsoft ⏱️ Free
Plain Language Basics Digital Training U.S. General Services Administration ⏱️ Free
Understandable Image descriptions Digital Training Harvard University ⏱️ Free


Learning Resource Type Provider Duration Cost
Screen Readers Digital Training abilitynet ⏱️⏱️ Free
Debugging Digital Training Microsoft ⏱️ Free

Additional Resources

Learning Resource Type Provider Duration Cost
JavaScript Accessibility Workshop Slides Digital Training Frontend Masters ⏱️⏱️ £39/month